Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Best File Sharing Web Site

My friend "E," has a pulse on the absolute best of 'Net around. I haven't figured out how he manages to stay on top of such an always changing environment, but he just does. I've been to BestSharing, ShareIt, etc. but they are all cheesey and slow. Plus if you want to email the file to someone, the URL is 5 miles long and they recipient has to jump through hoops.

No longer, try This web site literally has 2 pages. One page for the uploads (the home page) and a second page for downloads. The url is super short. Drawbacks? I could only see one: 100 MB file limit. So what, right? Split the file and be happy.

Here's a screenshot of the upload:

Here's the download URL:

And here's actual download:

Notice how simple it all is. You can see their business model based on Ad Impressions.

Way to go and great find E.

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